Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Amputee Football

Yes, there is such a game. It may seem like it would be very demanding and challenging, and it is. I cam across this sport while looking at the UEFA Champions page and they had a poll for which national team did not have it's own amputee team. So I searched it and found World Amputee Football. The game is played internationally throughout many different countries and with 7 players on each side including a goalie. There are requirements for what limbs amputated can play certain positions. To play on the field a player must have both arms and one leg, and goalies must have two feet and one arm amputated  The field players use crutches and are only allowed to use their foot to hit the ball. Need less to say these players are very dedicated and inspirational to all soccer players or anyone from any other sport. If you would like more details on the game you can click the link above.

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